Request of Expressions of Interest
Viorel Soltan
12 septembrie, 2014, 16:51
Vizualizări: 2186
National consultancy for management of databases UDI/Ident. The Center for Health Policies and Studies (PAS Center) is currently implementing the “Reducing HIV-related burden in the Republic of Moldova” Project, financed by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) and intends to apply part of the proceeds for management of databases UDI/Ident (HR&OST Support). The PAS Center now invites eligible IT specialists to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interest
The Center for Health Policies and Studies (PAS Center) is currently implementing the “Reducing HIV-related burden in the Republic of Moldova” Project, financed by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) and intends to apply part of the proceeds for management of databases UDI/Ident (HR&OST Support).
The PAS Center now invites eligible IT specialists to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (for individuals – CVs). The Consultants are hereby invited to submit their updated CV. Please note that the PASCenter is not bound to accept any of the CVs.
The selection of consultants will be carried out in accordance with the procedures set out in the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers (current edition).
Terms of Reference (ToR) are attached.
The PAS Center will select a national consultant on the basis of comparison of consultant’s qualifications for the assignment and conformity with the TOR’s requirements.
First-hand information about the ToR can be obtained from the person below during office hours 09.00 to 18.00.
Liliana Caraulan – Program Coordinator, PAS Center
Tel: (+373 22) 22 63 43 ext. 110
The deadline for submission of Consultant’s CV is September 19, 2014. CVs can be submitted by e-mail, fax or delivered to the address bellow:
The Center for Health Policies and Studies
99/1, V. Alecsandri street, MD-2012, Chisinau, Moldova,
fax: (+373 22) 22 63 87
Categoria: Advertoriale
Preluarea articolelor de pe se realizează în limita maximă de 1.000 de semne. Este obligatoriu să fie citată sursa și autorul informației, iar dacă informația este preluată de către alte platforme informaționale on-line trebuie indicat link-ul direct la sursă. Preluarea integrală a informației poate fi realizată doar în baza unui acord încheiat cu Redacția Sănătate INFO. Toate materialele jurnalistice publicate pe platforma on-line sunt protejate de Legea 139 privind drepturile de autor și drepturile conexe. De asemenea, de Codul Deontologic al Jurnalistului din Republica Moldova. Pe lângă actele juridice care ne protejează drepturile, mai există o lege nescrisă – cea a bunului simț.
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